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Lady M
In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_lcapIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Voting_barIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_rcap 
In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_lcapIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Voting_barIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_rcap 
In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_lcapIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Voting_barIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_rcap 
In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_lcapIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Voting_barIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_rcap 
In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_lcapIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Voting_barIn Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Vote_rcap 

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In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans .

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In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans . Empty In Surprisingly Bold Move, Scotland Offers Asylum to Gay Ugandans .

Message par yavana Mar 4 Mar 2014 - 4:05

This week, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed into law a brutal anti-gay bill that includes life sentences for engaging gay sex and same-sex marriage. It puts many in the country in a dangerous situation with nowhere to go — until now. In a somewhat surprising move, Scotland has officially declared it will offer asylum to "any Ugandan" persecuted by the new laws.Humza Yousaf, a Scottish member of parliament and minister for external affairs, wrote a letter to UK Foreign Secretary William Hague urging him to "offer asylum to any Ugandans who feel threatened or persecuted by the legis­lation." He added, "Scotland will play her part in providing asylum for those seeking refuge from this draconian legislation.""The Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda is a huge step back for equality and I have written to the UK Government asking it to make the strongest possible representations to the Government of Uganda," Yousaf wrote.

《if i have the moon i'll gave it to you az my heart》


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