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ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_lcapZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Voting_barZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_rcap 
ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_lcapZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Voting_barZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_rcap 
ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_lcapZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Voting_barZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_rcap 
ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_lcapZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Voting_barZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_rcap 
ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_lcapZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Voting_barZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Vote_rcap 

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ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!!

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ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! Empty ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!!

Message par yavana Mer 12 Mar 2014 - 16:58

Zoie Palmer appears to have come out in a thank you speech at the 2014 Canadian Screen Awards Sunday night.

ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! 030914zoiepalmer1.png?quality=0

Palmer took a minute to express her gratitude after winning the Fan Choice Award and in doing so thanked “my incredible partner, Alex, and my beautiful son Luca.” The Alex in question is Alex Lalonde, a Canadian television and film producer, and the Luca seems to be Lalonde’s son from a previous relationship.
The two have appeared frequently in each other’s Twitter feeds. The pair also attended the Toronto International Film Festival together in 2012 as well as other events.
Over the years she has been very private about her private life in subsequent interviews, which is entirely her prerogative and right. But her acknowledgement of her partner and son is a wonderful and welcome step.

ZoiePalmer comes out by thanking partner at awards show !!! 030914zoiepalmer3.png?quality=0

Personnellement je considére pas ça un coming out, tant que j'ai pas entendue le "i'm gay" Very Happy

《if i have the moon i'll gave it to you az my heart》


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